

Textile & woven woodblock print installation, February-April, 2022

Flaten Art Museum, Northfield, MN

Celebrating the traditional crafts of textiles and woodblock printmaking, this work is the result of repeating the same processes of carving, printing, ripping, and weaving over and over, until they open up a new experience beyond our everyday use of textiles. Challenging the audience to access a heightened sense of corporeality, I meditate upon Pennina Barnett’s words:

 “to touch is always to be touched. And one never emerges intact from any encounter, for to be touched involves a capacity to be moved, ‘a power to be affected.’”

I welcome you to interact with this piece by touching and moving through it.

Watch the process of creating this piece!


Textile hangings

Weaving prints

Installation process

Zines as a Liberatory Project: A Syllabus

Zines as a Liberatory Project: A Syllabus

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